All posts in Taft

Students were given nonsense words and asked to create their own pronunciations and definitions, before delving into Kevin Young’s poem of altered cliché’s, Errata. ‘Errata’ means an error in a text. Lesson Note: ‘There […]

What makes a hero (both real or imagined)? And how can we learn from them (even the villains) and the inner- hero inside of us? We explored these concepts and more in What I […]

We explored the powerful device of in Phil Kaye’s poem Repetition of the same name. Some poems in our workshop are ‘after’ Kaye’s work. Lesson Note: Writer/Performer Anna Deavere Smith who interviews people and […]

In this class we focused on the Shakespearean Sonnet and iambic pentameter. In his Sonnet #127, William Shakespeare muses on beauty and its perception as a ‘currency’ in the modern world: ‘In the old […]

We began this class with an exercise from writer and researcher Dr. Brene Brown’s book: Braving the Wilderness. In it, she asks a group of 8th Grade students the difference between the terms Belonging […]

Free Verse and Narrative Style poetry were explored through Latino-American, Gary Soto’s, poem Oranges. 8th Grade students explored the idea of food, memory and nostalgia, then were asked to create small group improvisational performance […]

The first day of my 10 week residency at Taft with their 8th Grade classroom was filled with energy! The students were eagerly brilliant and so we dug right in to examine William Carlos […]

As I wrap up my residency at Taft High School with their 8th Grade students, I have tremendous hope for our future. Surprised? Don’t be. 8 weeks ago, I entered a room of squirly […]

We began class with a few rounds of Rapid Fire Questions, where one student was timed for 30 seconds and asked to respond to a string of random questions about themselves with the first […]

Extra! Extra! In this lesson we looked at Headline poems, and discussed mash up vs. cut up poems–finding poetry in the oddest places. We then turned our attention to the headline poem, ‘Rock Singer […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
