All posts in Swift

For our 1st session of the new year, me and the 2nd graders at Swift Elementary spent time getting reacquainted and sharing stories about what we did over the holiday break. After that, I […]

2nd Graders at Swift Elementary had a fun time using their imaginative powers to join things together in inventive ways. These poems are called “Swan of Bees” poems, and they allow us to see […]

2nd graders at Swift are so imaginative and dreamy and kind! Students are bringing so much excitement to writing their own poems, that it is difficult to select only three or four poems to […]

For our third remote learning poetry lesson of the 2020-21 school year, 2nd grade students at Swift explored ways of comparing similarities between things that seem to have nothing in common. For example: what […]

For their second lesson, 2nd graders at Swift closed their eyes to listen and remember the different sounds of home; outdoor sounds, and sounds of other places. They had to go into their memory […]

I am so happy to be invited to return to Swift as Poet-In-Residence for a second year. Ever since March of this year, I have missed entering the actual school building with its bright […]

Have you been wondering why it has taken me nearly two weeks to publish these poems? Poets, kids, scientists, and private investigators all make it a point to ask lots of questions. Oh, and […]

I salute you!/ Swift Elementary School 2nd Graders and their teachers! You are still coming through/ with energy and ideas, brainstorming, and making art with words,/ no matter how our times have changed. Your […]

Gwendolyn Brooks’s “A Little Girl’s Poem” starts with: “Life is for me and it is shining! Inside me I feel stars and sun and bells and singing.” and so begins this little girl’s vision […]

For our second Virtual Poetry Lesson we found round sound in rhyming and timing. For the 2nd graders of Swift Elementary School I shared Shel Silverstein’s poem “Dirty Face,” made of seven “rhyming couplets” […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
