All posts in Swift

For our fourth sessions at Swift, 2nd graders discussed comparisons. Many students already understood that when comparing two things, we look for how those things are similar. We looked at poems written by students, […]

For my 3rd session with Swift 2nd graders, we read I’d know You Anywhere by Nancy Tillman, and “H is for Happiness,” from An Emotional Menagerie. Both poems allowed us to listen for and […]

For our 2nd session, Swift 2nd graders shared what they remembered from our first visit, and some students even hoped that we would read “The Tiger Who Wore White Gloves” again! Instead, I shared […]

For our first residency session at Swift for the 2022-23 school year, we got acquainted by talking about using our senses, imaginations, feelings, and creative ideas when reading and writing poetry. We looked at […]

Swift 2nd graders believe that poetry matters! Our last session felt bittersweet. The sweetness came from the warmth of community and expression we have explored through the conversations that reading and writing poetry inspires. […]

Last week Swift 2nd graders had hybrid learning, with some students working from home while others worked in the classroom. We read a selection of poems aloud and discussed them, finally settling into writing […]

After reading and discussing Eloise Greenfield’s poem, “Honey, I Love,” we talked about people and things that we love, including tastes, sights, sounds, smells, textures and feelings. Then Swift 2nd graders wrote their own […]

Last week Swift 2nd graders were feeling exuberant and so we had fun reading animal poems, making animal sounds, and getting physical by moving in slow-motion as if we were sloths in Ms. Popovic’s […]

For our first sessions after spring break, Swift 2nd graders had to get physically and mentally warmed-up to return to poetry. In addition to stretching and jumping with their bodies, students also entertained some […]

This week some Swift 2nd graders listened to the book, All Because You Matter by Tami Charles; while others explored pages of Imagine A World by Ron Gonsalves. Whether talking about how each of […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
