All posts in Swift

For our most recent sessions, Swift 2nd and 3rd graders generated ideas that inspire us to see fun images with our mind’s eye. We talked about out-of-the-box thinking, before students brainstormed lists for “Swan […]

During our 6th sessions, Swift students took turns reading – in both Spanish and English – the poem “Same Green Fate” by Francisco X. Alarcón. It begins: “let’s listen to/ the green voice of […]

For our 5th sessions at Swift, we got dreamy! Students shared comforting dreams, crazy dreams, nightmares, magical dreams, and dreams of things hoped for. Enjoy these dream poems! Ms. Urquiza2nd Grade Alexa M. yo […]

For our 4th sessions, we looked at comparison poems created by Swift 2nd graders from previous years, and discussed what it means to find similarities between two different things. We had fun comparing things […]

For our third sessions together, Swift 2nd and 3rd graders explored sound. We talked about the word, explore, and tried to compare being an explorer in nature to being an explorer of poetry. We […]

Our 2nd sessions this year coincided with International Assembly Day at Swift! So many students were participating in cultural performances including dances, songs, and fashion presentations. There was a lot going on, but we […]

I was pleased to be invited to return to Swift as a poet in residence, again – this is year five! For our first session of this school year’s residency, it was all about […]

Last week was my last session with Swift 2nd graders for the 2022-23 school year. We read I’d Know You Anywhere, My Love by Nancy Tillman, and students visited their poetry folders to review […]

Do you know the recipe for courage? What about the recipe for how to be a fast runner? Most recently at Swift, 2nd graders in Ms. Urquiza’s class worked on their Recipe Poems. Students […]

For our 15th sessions, Swift 2nd graders sat on the rugs in their classrooms, and put on their imagination hats while I read aloud from Rob Gonsalvez’s Imagine a World. Students marveled to see […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
