All posts in Poems

This week the young vikings read Brigit Peegen Kelly’s “The Leaving” and were tasked with writing a poem in an epic manner describing something they are proud of. This is a fantastic group of […]

This week the young Vikings read Rachel Richardson’s “Questions” and wrote lyric poetry exploring their own questions about poetry, life, and the world. I am so proud of the poets below. “Content” by Dawan […]

This week Twain 3rd graders read and discussed “What is Brown?” by Mary O’Neill; then worked to combine sensory details, similes, and metaphors to describe color. Ms. Lee3rd Grade Liam E. Bright lime is […]

For their 7th week of poetry, Twain 4th graders thought about different ways they communicate with others. A few students mentioned learning sign language and even signed words for me with their hands. Other […]

I’m so excited for this batch of young Viking writers. This week the poets read Brigit Pegeen Kelly’s “The Leaving” and were tasked with writing a poem in an epic manner about something they […]

Week two at Lawndale was all about rhyme. After a classic game of Concentration 64, students used their rhyming skills to write poems about their city, the good and the bad, the happy and […]

This past Monday I was excited to be back for another residency at the O School. I taught poetry during the summer session and I’m looking forward to having twenty weeks to share and […]

This past Monday I was excited to be back for another residency at the O School. I taught students during the summer session and I’m looking forward to having twenty weeks to share and […]

Students crafted visual and then poetic Exquisite Corpses! Afterward, they were challenged to create a clay figure of one of their collective group drawings! Below is one such sample. Students created topics around which […]

How exciting to be back at Waters for another year of poetry! Last year’s sixth graders are now seventh graders, and I look forward to building on our poetry knowledge from last year. As […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
