All posts in Poems

To start my final week with the 4th graders at Dulles, I thought we would try our hand at some Haiku. We read translations of Issa Kobayashi and discussed how Haiku are based on […]

Happy Winter Solstice! Carver’s students spent last week carving out some time for poetic exploration with books from my personal collection. After spending some time catching, up, students spent time drawing words from different […]

For our second-to-last session, Twain 3rd graders thought about their older generation of grandparents, aunts, and uncles. We read “My Grandmother” by Pela Chacon and “Abuelito Who” by Sandra Cisneros – both poems in […]

Students shared childhood stories before writing their own poems reflecting back on their younger selves, as the speaker did in Billy Collin’s poem, On Turning Ten. Lesson Note. “I think one of the strengths […]

Nikki Giovanni is a well-known African-American poet who spent summers with her grandparents in Knoxville, Tennessee, when she was a little girl, doing many of the same things kids like to do during the […]

Students read and discussed Billy Collin’s poem, ‘On Turning Ten,’ before writing their own poems on the subject of age and nostalgia. Lesson Note: “When you put something out there onto a piece of […]

During our fifth and final week together, 6th graders at Dulles spent time revising their poems, then celebrated with a reading joined by the students of 302 and 303. To revise, students looked over […]

In our final week at Dulles, we continued to refine and edit our poems to prepare for the Dulles Poetry Reading, with two other poetry classes led by Caroline Stevens and Joy Young from […]

This week at South Loop Poetry Club, our poets studied imagery and asked ourselves, how can we put someone else in our shoes? Using Nikki Giovanni’s Knoxville, Tennessee, we drew inspiration from the different […]

Today, was our last day before break and the last lesson in our unit on surprise and play. We talked about how varied poetic forms can be and how there are no rules in […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
