All posts in Poems

This week the young Viking writers were challenged with writing quickfire similes after reading “Like a Simile” by Mark Cox. They partnered up and did a quick surrealist writing exercise then were asked to […]

This week at Lawndale we talked odes and similes. While 6th grade was sabotaged by a broken down bus, they still enjoyed exploring Pablo Neruda’s “Oda a los Calcetines”/”Ode to My Socks.” I can’t […]

Back from the break for Thanksgiving, Twain 3rd graders sat with me and thought of whimsical and serious ideas for the kind of world they would like to live in. We read and discussed […]

On Monday the Group C students returned back to the O-School after Thanksgiving break. Holiday times can be relaxing, spending time with family and loved ones, but also can sometimes feel overwhelming. This week […]

The Group D Students returned back to the O-School on Monday, from Thanksgiving break refreshed and full of leftovers. For our second week of poetry, we discussed our favorite comfort foods that we love […]

This week students at Waters wrote poems about opposites! In class we, fittingly, read “Some Opposites” by Robert Wilbur and talked about the confusing process of defining an opposite and making up our own. […]

What TV shows did we cherish when we were young? What did we learn from them? What makes a hero (both real or imagined), and how can we learn from them (even the villains) […]

I was back for another week with Waters 7th graders, this time talking about the stanza. Maggie Smith’s “Good Bones” was our poem for the day, a poem particularly prominent around the time that […]

Greetings greetings! For our second week with Waters 6th graders, we talked about our commonalities: each student table came up with the longest possible list of things they have in common (such as being […]

Students wrote and talked about kindness before reading the poem, ‘Small Kindnesses’ by Denusha Lameris. In crafting their own poems students focused on one idea, one stanza and small ways they have been kind […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
