All posts in O-School

For their 3rd week of poetry, the Group C students at the O-School discovered how sounds are part of daily life. Every activity we perform whether it’s brushing our teeth, taking a walk, or […]

On Monday the Group C students returned back to the O-School after Thanksgiving break. Holiday times can be relaxing, spending time with family and loved ones, but also can sometimes feel overwhelming. This week […]

The Group D Students returned back to the O-School on Monday, from Thanksgiving break refreshed and full of leftovers. For our second week of poetry, we discussed our favorite comfort foods that we love […]

This past Monday I was excited to be back for another residency at the O School. I taught poetry during the summer session and I’m looking forward to having twenty weeks to share and […]

This past Monday I was excited to be back for another residency at the O School. I taught students during the summer session and I’m looking forward to having twenty weeks to share and […]

This past Wednesday, I finished my 5-week summer residency with the Terrapins and the Dreamers at the O-School. I created a chapbook for our time together as a final project. While listening to music, […]

This was my 5th and final week at the O-School, where I had back-to-back days (Tuesday/Wednesday) to finish our summer residency. Since, the Terrapins and the Dreamers students love music, I decided on Tuesday […]

For our 4th week at the O-School we explored how to use our five senses to recall memories. I passed around different objects to students that represented the five senses, a seashell (touch), a […]

This week at the O-School, students explored different types of technology. We watched a video of kids, who reacted to older technology such as a typewriter, rotary phone, and record player. It’s amazing how […]

What’s your favorite day of the week? What’s your least favorite? These are the questions I asked this past Tuesday for my second week with Terrapins and Dreamers students at the O-School. Friday and […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
