All posts in Foster Park

Today was my last session with all my Foster Park Elementary Students. We had a short session together since the 8th graders were getting ready for graduation and 6th and 7th grade were enjoying […]

Last week we got started on poems inspired by Joy Harjo’s piece “Perhaps The World Ends Here”, while some students chose to write ode poems to things they love or admire. We spent some […]

This week we read Joy Harjo’s “Perhaps the World Ends Here” and talked about all of the things that can take place at a table. Whether it’s at home, or in the cafeteria. Some […]

Last week we got started on poems using personification as a device to approach larger than life ideas. Sometimes, one session just isn’t enough time to create a masterpiece so we continued working on […]

Here’s a few more poems by our Foster Park 6th graders inspired by Joy Harjo’s “Perhaps This is Where the World Ends”.   Lunch Table Kenidee F. At the lunch table we talk and […]

This week our 6th graders read Perhaps This is Where the World Ends by Joy Harjo and talked about the million and one things that can happen at a table. The living room table, […]

I was so excited to see how Foster Park’s 6th graders finished up their pieces using personification. This week we had poems addressed to the feeling of being mad, to stars, the earth and […]

How can we talk about larger than life things and not get overwhelmed by the idea of it? This week we read The Lament by Percy Bysse Shelley and a piece by a former […]

Mouths were watering again this week as our 6th graders continued working on their poems about food. From steak, to meatballs, chicken alfredo and noodles this week’s menu of poems will leave you ravenous! […]

Get ready, because this week’s poems are sure to make you hungry! We talked about food we love, food we cook, and food that makes out mouth water and bellies rumble. Some students are […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
