All posts in DuBois

In addition to reading aloud from poetry books and watching the “We Real Cool” video produced by the Poetry Foundation, Dubois students discussed things they like and dislike about writing. Students reflected on things […]

This week at Dubois, students read aloud from dream poems written by a third grader, Louise Driscoll, and Langston Hughes. Students considered the importance of having dreams: hopes and goals for themselves and others. […]

For our 3rd meeting, Dubois students wrote love poems inspired by Eloise Greenfield’s poem “Honey, I Love.” Enjoy a sampling, here! Ms. Wilson4th/5th Grade I loveby Tru’zell T. I love when the cool water […]

For our second sessions, Dubois students loved having more time to share their “I Am” poems. Sometimes it just feels great to read aloud what you have written with your own creativity! We also […]

This Tuesday, I met with some third, fourth and fifth grade students at Dubois Elementary School for the first time. Their ideas and energy were infectious! Some students made an impression on me when […]

For our final virtual poetry lesson, Dubois students experimented with collaborative poems. A collaborative poem is when a group of poets contribute individual lines to create a unified poem. Together we read a poem […]

For our 10th virtual poetry lesson Dubois students explored ideas about mottos. A motto is a word, phrase, or sentence that expresses the principles or belief of a person, group, country, or organization. Together […]

For our ninth virtual lesson together, Dubois students explored the meaning of dreams. Dreams are usually images when see in our sleep. Dreams can involve fantasies, but also goals we want to achieve in […]

For their eighth virtual poetry lesson Dubois students explored other planets. A planet is a sphere, an object in space that orbits around the sun. Students mentioned all the planets in order Earth, Saturn, […]

For their seventh virtual poetry lesson Dubois students explored their earliest memories. They were asked, “Why are memories so important?” Students came up with interesting responses: negative memories help us not make the same […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
