All posts in Dever

We have been loving experimenting with metaphor and simile at Dever Elementary! We looked back through some of our favorite metaphors and similes from the year so far and wrote our own poems bursting […]

Dever Elementary’s 7th grade classes all tried out the same exercise this week, a poem category new to us all, erasure. Erasure poetry is a type of poetry that transforms prose writing into poetry. […]

Today at Dever, we experimented with concrete poems! We read “Steam” by Sabrina Guo and discussed how she used shape to impact the way the reader read her words and experienced the moment. We […]

This past week at Dever Elementary students continued to learn poetry and art with words. Some sections learned about concrete poems and built their own and others tongue twisted through alliteration. Below are the […]

Dever’s 13th week of poetry was one for the books! Ms. Sherfinski’s class worked on Ode poems creating odes that use simile, a comparison using “like” or “as”. Ms. Carteno’s classes learned about concrete […]

This week at Dever Elementary school 7th grade wrapped up our two part metaphor series. We got reintroduced to Ode’s, this time reading Ode to Kool Aid by Marcus Jackson. We formally learned a […]

Dever Elementary’s 7th grade did an extraordinary job at extending metaphors and metaphorical language. This is the results of continuing the process. Congrats poets!   Songs of the Winds Jonah N. Music is like […]

We read Matthew Olzmann’s “Mountain Dew Commercial Disguised as a Love Poem” in class and loved the specificity and humor! Many of us said that being so specific about someone you love was a […]

In Ms. Carteno’s class, we read “Red Brocade” by Naomi Shihab-Nye and discussed whether or not we thought a poem could take care of a person. We wrote our own poems of welcome and […]

Part two of metaphors included using layers of meaning in them for Dever 7th graders. Below are pieces students created about metaphors in their own life. Sus By Luca M. Sal is a ball […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
