All posts in Clinton

We read Ada Limon’s “How to Triumph like a Girl” in Ms. Shah’s class today. We watched her read it and discussed how the details helped us see that the speaker wanted to view […]

In Ms. Icho’s kindergarten today, we read “On Monday, I am a Dragon” by Francisco X. Alarcón. We talked about our favorite animals and what animals we sometimes feel like. We also talked about […]

In 5th grade, we read “Running into a New Year” by Lucille Clifton. We discussed how her lack of punctuation and short lines and single stanza gives us a sense of movement and speed. […]

In 8th grade, we read “Running into a New Year” by Lucille Clifton. We discussed how her lack of punctuation and short lines and single stanza gives us a sense of movement and speed. […]

We had a great time in Kindergarten today! We read the poem “Green” by a 4th grade student named Malik and then went on an adventure through the rainbow. We stopped at different colors […]

Today, was our last day before break and the last lesson in our unit on surprise and play. We talked about how varied poetic forms can be and how there are no rules in […]

Today, was our last day before break and the last lesson in our unit on surprise and play. We talked about how varied poetic forms can be and how there are no rules in […]

Today, in Ms. Icho’s kindergarten, we went on a magic adventure through winter! We looked at different winter pictures and talked about what we would see, smell, taste, touch, and hear at the playground, […]

In Ms. Krasic’s class, we read Pablo Neruda’s “Ode to My Socks.” The students pointed out how wild and surprising his imagery was and how the socks seemed to transform his humble feet. We […]

In Ms. Shah’s 5th grade class, we read Pablo Neruda’s “Ode to My Socks.” It was fun to think about the poems we wrote about ordinary objects last week related to his ecstatic sock […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
