Blue is everything good – Color Poems

Colors are all around us, and some show up in our lives more than others. For this 15th week at Waters, we talked about the colors that are meaningful to us. We watched the video for and listening to the lyrics of “I’m Blue” by Eiffel 65 (a 90s classic). After discussing how blue shows up in that poem, we read Joy Harjo’s “My House is the Red Earth” and students wrote their own color poems before spring break. Take a look below and enjoy!

Ms. Hooper’s Class

Poema de Colores
de Paulimar M.A.

Una mañana me despierta con el cielo azul
con un sándwich de queso amarillo
con compañía es sándwich el té rojo
y de postre un rico pastel de naranjas
me cepillo los dientes con mi cepillo azul
y me voy a la escuela y la profe pide la carpeta verde
yo olvidé la carpeta amarilla en casa junto a la tetera
me regalaron un termo de agua de color negro
y en la noche me arropo con mi cobija morada. 

The Blue in My Life
by Myles K.

The color blue
It is every where
I have blue
It’s on my backpack
my folder
and my sweaters
I love blue

by Lillian L.

Purple is my lavender
purple is my hair
purple is my slime
purple is my caddie
purple is my sweater
purple is my glue
purple is my books
pruple is my nails
purple is my life

by Rosa F.B.

Blue is the best color to exist
Blue has been my favorite color ever since I could talk
Blue is the color of the ocean
Blue is the color of the sky
Blue is the color of Lake Michigan
Blue is the color of blueberries (Abby hates blueberries)
Blue is everything good.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.