Blue, do I know you? Color Poems

Colors, colors, colors. There are many poems, songs, and paintings devoted to particular colors and how they show up in our lives. So during out 14th session with Waters 7th graders, we explored colors. First we watched/listened to lyrics for Eiffel 65’s “I’m Blue”. Then, after discussing the tone of the song and how blue shows up in it, we read “My House Is the Red Earth” by Joy Harjo. Students wrote their own color poems below – take a look and enjoy!

Yellow (like the summer)
by Lillian E.M.

Like the bright sun shining on my skin
The warming feeling
Making me feel
As though
Wrapped in a tight hug.
like the bright
The wind blowing.
Like a cute little duck
In a blue little pond
Yellow represents the happiness
In summer days.

Blue, who are you?
By Oliver R.

I wake up from a dream full of sadness and joy.
Wake up, see my dog’s blue eyes beaming like a blue sun.
Blue, who are you?

I walk mind filled with sadness and joy
The water it’s blue. It’s calm but can be angry is scary and refreshing
just don’t go at the right time.
Blue, who are you?

I walk around Blind eyes filled with sadness then joy
The blue air spreading all around spreads like fire through the forest
everyone all around feels in.
Blue, who are you?

Blue, do I know you?

White Walls
by Penny M.

I see bare ceilings when I open
my eyes

a pale fan spinning on the ceiling

If I’m lucky, the sky is blue. Most
of the time, it is white.

I get to school, the high ceilings
are white

Harsh classroom lights rain down on
me, they are flickering, and look

I get home, the walls in my room
are white.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.