All posts in Ola Faleti

Since both similes and metaphors are the building blocks of poetry, in our 4th week we dug into similes! We talked about the differences between the two before reading “Carib Nightfall” by John Lyons. […]

Greetings! Our third week at Bronzeville Classical was all about metaphor, one of the building blocks of poetry. We took a look at “Who I’ll Always Be” from student poet Riti Shrestha as our […]

During this second week at Bronzeville Classical, we learned that poetry awakens all the senses. And what’s a world without sounds? Well, not the world we live in. After reading Kwame Alexander’s poem “Dribbling,” […]

Hello, hello! The first day of residency at Bronzeville Classical Elementary went swimmingly. Ms. Siudock’s 4th grade classes and Ms. Shuch’s 3rd grade classes were so excited to start writing poems! We started the […]

What makes a poem good? Your answer will vary depending on who you ask, but imagery matters. Simile and metaphor are at the heart of moving poetry. This week, students learned about crafting similes […]

Last week, Howe students learned about odes. Ode poems honor the things we value, no matter how big or small they are. We brainstormed some of the things that deserve an ode before each […]

It’s getting chilly and we’re feeling it! Students at Howe started the week with Nikki Giovanni’s “Winter Poem,” which got us thinking about the things we look forward to (or dread) about the coldest […]

As we welcome our first snow of the season, students at Howe are excited about the upcoming winter and all the festivities that come with it. The 4th graders wrote a group poem about […]

We’re surrounded by different sounds every day! For this week, our young poets at Howe thought about the sounds that color their lives. This post’s featured poet, Milani, describes the sounds of her life […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
