All posts in Ola Faleti

For our last session before the winter break and new year, 7th graders thought about ideal worlds. We discussed the fact that poetry can be a powerful tool for envisioning the world you want […]

Before the break and subsequent new year, Waters 6th graders had an opportunity to consider the power of imagery. Ross Gay is a great poet in that respect, one who combines optimism with vivid […]

For our 4th week with Waters, we revisited the simile. I say revisited since I worked with most of these students last year, and we’ve reviewed the simile before. This time, I was inspired […]

For our 4th session with Waters 6th graders, we delved into the wonderful world of similes. Like metaphor, similes are all around us, especially in music. We saw similes in action when we watched […]

This week, the world lost the poetry giant and phenom that is Nikki Giovanni. Fittingly, last week’s 7th graders explored bravado and bragadoccio in her iconic poem “Ego Trippin (there may be a reason […]

For our 3rd session with Waters 6th graders, we dove into the wonderful world of metaphors. They’re all around us, like in the Katy Perry song “Firework” (which we listened to and watched the […]

I was back for another week with Waters 7th graders, this time talking about the stanza. Maggie Smith’s “Good Bones” was our poem for the day, a poem particularly prominent around the time that […]

Greetings greetings! For our second week with Waters 6th graders, we talked about our commonalities: each student table came up with the longest possible list of things they have in common (such as being […]

How exciting to be back at Waters for another year of poetry! Last year’s sixth graders are now seventh graders, and I look forward to building on our poetry knowledge from last year. As […]

How exciting to be back at Waters for another year of poetry! To lay a good foundation with the two 6th grade classes I’m working with, we started with some community agreements and discussed […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
