All posts in Michelle Alexander

Sayre 7th graders recalled the key terms: imagery and line. Looking to Parneshia Jones’ “For The Basement Parties at the YMCA” they sought out rich images, striking sounds, and astute line breaks. Then, they […]

Our Sayre students’ read the poem, “The Gift” by Ocean Vuong and considered the intertwining of narrative and imagery. We were especially struck by “the b bursting its belly/ as dark dust blows/ through […]

The class asked, what does it feel like to compose a single poem for two different voices, rather than for one? How does harmonizing and speaking in unison feel? How does clashing feel? What […]

At this session the Sayre students brightened my day with their inquisitive capacities. We asked “What are questions like? What are they not like? How does it feel to ask a question? How does […]

Students studied “Manhunt or Ode to First Kisses” by Elizabeth Acevedo. Asking themselves, how can poetry capture that wishing, yearning, hungering we know from being a little kid? As a class, we focused on […]

Students found all the constituent elements of similes on their worksheets. The class made tin foil hearts. We read “Papaya Tree” by Thanha Lai, and students looked at how similes are constructed. Students wrote […]

The students made stanzas as rooms within which to fill their dreaming selves and wishes. Mr. Charmelo, 7th grade, 1st period The Wisher by Alexis V. I wish to the intelligence like Albert Einstein. […]

Students montaged their experience of their gender using rich imagery informed by the senses. Ms. Hernandez, 7th grade, 1st period Sweet Girl by Kimberly G. Girl looks sparkling like shimmer. Girl feels cold as […]

Students worked on comparisons, capturing resemblances both inside and outside the classroom and drew how they felt about object relationships. Ms. Hernandez, 7th grade 1st Period Randomly? by Enrique P. A Chromebook is great […]

Students read “Josh Bell” By Kwame Alexander and introduced themselves through their passions, focusing on line and rhyme! Voice and perspective! Mr. Charmelo, 7th grade, 1st period No Muhammad Ali by Royal G No […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
