All posts in Mayda del Valle

This week our 4th graders at Perez explored all things Monsters. We started off our session by doing exquisite corpse drawings of monsters. Each table passed around their sheet of paper to everyone in […]

This week we read and discussed Langston Hughes piece My People. We talked about the communities and identities we belong to, and how we can celebrate them. We also explored the list poem form […]

This week we got started with a second session of afterschool workshops at Clissold and our group has grown to include a few kindergarteners and 1st graders. I was really excited to introduce our […]

This week we explored persona poems, and used the opportunity to think about what it might be like to walk in someone else’s shoes. Students took their pieces a bit further past personification and […]

What’s more important, the answer or the question? This week we read excerpts from Pablo Neruda’s “The Book of Questions” and talked about all the questions we’ve always or never knew we wanted to […]

This week Ms. Murray’s 4th graders explored the ode, a popular poetic form used to celebrate a person, place, thing, or even an idea. We started off by talking a bit about Pablo Neruda, […]

This week instead of working on a writing exercise, I shared a few of my favorite writing resources with students. I walked students through how to use a free online visual thesaurus, Etymology sites, […]

Spring is in the air! For our session before the spring break students worked on poems about dreams. Dreams for the future, or the wild and strange things that we see on the movie […]

This week at Clissold we started by asking the question if you could be any animal, what would you be and why? Our discussion was pretty lively, with a few students throwing in imaginary […]

This week at Clissold for our afterschool session, we wrote recipe poems! We discussed all of the different ingredients that might go into making up who we are in the world. It was a […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
