All posts in Mayda del Valle

Why do Mondays feel like “Ugh!” and Fridays feel like “Yea!” This week we talked about how different days and times can conjure different kinds of feelings. Here’s a piece by Neia who let […]

This week we spent some more time working on poems that weren’t quite finished yet. Here’s a few more pieces about the importance of names. Enjoy this week’s poets!   Aniya Aniya Moore Aniya […]

What is a word you love to say or that you identify with? If you could make up a word to describe a feeling you have what it be? This week our rockstar Clissold […]

As Spring fast approaches here in Chicago it was nice to take a moment to think about winter. Our 2nd and 3rd graders wrote a few sentences about the arctic season and then exchanged […]

This week we had a snowball fight! Well, it was more of metaphorical, poetic one. After answering a few writing prompts inspired by winter, the poets crumpled up their pieces of paper into snowballs […]

What is the story of your name? If you could change it to something else would you? This week we had an opportunity to think about another aspect of our identities by sharing poems […]

Food glorious food! This week our after school Poetry Club wrote about all things yum. We talked about comfort foods, foods that make us feel at home and foods that are important to the […]

Have you ever had a dream that woke you up and made you go “Huh?!” This week, we shared some of the weird and zany things that happen in our dreams. From talking pies […]

What is home? How does it shape who we are in the world? These are a few of the questions we pondered this week after reading Willie Perdomo’s poem “Where I’m From”. Students at […]

For our first session at Simpson Academy for Young Women, we spent the session introducing ourselves. I asked the class to share their names, what part of the city they reside in, and what […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
