All posts in Mayda del Valle

This week we had in indoor snowball fight! Well, sort of. We used a fabulous lesson plan by fellow CPC poet-in-residence Fulamusu Bangara where students write down responses to winter-inspired writing prompts on different […]

If your sadness was a machine how would it work? This week we started off by exploring Ada Limon’s poem “The Quiet Machine”. In it Limon uses the structure of a prose poem to […]

This week we wrote about all things edible! This is one of my favorite lessons to work on with students of all ages. Food is such a great way to engage all five of […]

Do all questions have an answer? This question was our jumping-off point for this week’s lesson as we read excerpts from Pablo Neruda’s Book Of Questions. After a lively discussion about the nature of […]

What does a perfect weekend look like to you? This week we read Pat Mora’s “To Do List” and came up with our own poems using the structure of a list poem. In her […]

How would you describe yourself to others, and how would others describe you?  That’s the question we started off with this week to open up the topic of the “I Am” poem. Students had […]

This week we read “Ode to Tomatoes” by Pablo Neruda and discussed how we can celebrate everyday objects that we sometimes take for granted. Students brainstormed about different objects they interact with daily, and […]

This week we wrote about the importance of our names and how they can represent us out in the world. We read an excerpt from “The House on Mango Street” where the main character […]

Welcome back! This week students finished up the pieces they started during our last session about “Where I’m From”. They all did a great job of using imagery and the five senses in their […]

Week 1 Blog  I’m so excited to be back at Perez Elementary again. This year our residency will be with Ms. Murray’s and Ms. Caplan’s 6th graders. We started off our first session by […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
