All posts in Maya Odim

We introduced ourselves to each other by reading acrostic poems we wrote about ourselves. How would you introduce yourself in an acrostic poem? Can you find our names written within our poems? _______________________ The […]

We wrote Acrostic poems to introduce ourselves and some of what we like. What would you add to an Acrostic poem about yourself; can you read our names within our poem? We will soon […]

¡Estos son nuestros poemas sobre la música!  ¡Y pensamos que la voz también es un instrumento! These are our poems about music!  And we think the voice is an instrument too! ____________ No Music […]

We read Poem for the Tin-tun-teros, by Brenda Cárdenas, and we talked about a poem called an Ode: this is a poem you write for or about someone or something special. Here are our […]

Leímos el poema, fresca, escrito por Nayyirah Waheed y nos da la inspiración de pensar en lo que pasará. Entonces, estamos pensando en este año y en lo que podría ser. Primero respondimos preguntas […]

We are thinking about similes and practicing writing them. Here are some of our similes and soon we will share poems that we’ve written inspired by them! Estamos pensando sobre símil y practicando escribiendo […]

¡Nos divertimos mucho practicando la escritura de poemas con descripción y detalles cuando escribimos estos poemas! Pensábamos en el juego de ‘Veo Veo…’ y pensábamos en maneras de usar nuestras palabras para describir y […]

Metaphor| Metáfora Sabin Elementary School | 4th Grade Our work with metaphor! We read Nikki Giovani’s poem, “Poetry” What is poetry? Students thought about what poetry is to them. Check out some student poetry […]

Sabin Elementary School | 4th Grade Leímos el poema “fresca” escrito por Nayyirah Waheed; y toma forma interesante con el título en el fondo del poema. Hablábamos sobre el futuro, lo que venga y […]

Sabin Elementary School | 4th Grade We introduced ourselves to each other by reading acrostic poems we wrote about ourselves. Nos presentamos para leer nuestros poemas acrósticos. How would you introduce yourself in an […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
