All posts in Leslie Reese

In the days returning to school after spring break, Swift 2nd graders had a touch of spring fever! In addition to looking forward to playing in the sun and warm temperatures for recess, they […]

Shoesmith 4th graders returned to their blues poem drafts, but not before we had a look at video footage of some live blues performances. We noted types of instrumental accompaniment such as guitar, drums, […]

For our 11th sessions, Swift 2nd graders met on Tuesday, rather than Thursday, when a special program is planned for the time we usually meet. We read Pat Mora’s poem, “Writing Secrets,” before exploring […]

For our most recent sessions at Kozminski, we met on Monday because parent/teacher conferences were scheduled for Wednesday. Students practiced projecting their voices and paying attention to how a poem makes them feel energetically, […]

For our 6th sessions, Shoesmith 4th graders discussed African Americans’ creation of field hollers, work songs, Negro spirituals, and the blues. We talked about the poetry form known as the lament, and reasons why […]

When I first created the “My World” poetry lesson, I used Gwendolyn Brooks’s “A Little Girl’s Poem,” – which I really love. This year I decided to use a different example poem. So, during […]

I had planned a lesson on 2 kinds* of the five-line poetry form known as cinquain for my 9th sessions with Swift 2nd graders. Since they have been learning about poetry with their classroom […]

For our 8th sessions, 4th and 5th grade students at Kozminski discussed the difference between biography and autobiography; and learned about odes, a poetry form that celebrates and shows respect for the worth of […]

For our sixth and seventh sessions Kozminski 4th graders read Francisco X. Alarcón’s “Ode to My Shoes” and discussed personification. They brainstormed objects and non-human things doing human activities before writing their own poems. […]

For our 8th sessions, Swift 2nd graders read the tiny poem “What’s Under the Sky” by Kathi Mitchell and “Inside My Shoe” written by yours truly. We talked about the things that are inside, […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
