All posts in Larry Dean

Last week, we read “Short-Order Cook” by contemporary poet, Jim Daniels. This poem made quite an impression on the students, some even calling it their favorite so far! We determined that the speaker wasn’t […]

“Does the sun make noise?” was the first question I asked this week, after reading George Bradley‘s “The Sound of the Sun.” While a majority of students answered no, some were quick to say […]

Continuing the tradition set by last week’s longer poem, for our fourth session we read “Ode to the Midwest” by Kevin Young. Students recognized immediately that the poet is being funny throughout the poem, […]

For a change of pace, after two shorter poems, this week I brought in Elizabeth Bishop’s lengthy and detailed “The End of March,” which is also appropriate since April has just begun. Bishop’s narrative […]

For our final week of 2nd grade classes, students picked their favorite poems written this year, and from those, their favorite lines. I then asked them to queue up randomly, and recorded the lines […]

For our second week of classes, I brought in “Spring in New Hampshire,” by Jamaican-American poet, Claude McKay. Last week was the first day of spring, so this seemed like a good choice, even […]

Last week, we read nine haiku by the famous 18th-19th century Japanese poet, Kobayashi Issa, as translated by Robert Hass. Some students were familiar with the form, but since most were not, after reading […]

Last month I had my first visits with the three 4th grade classrooms at Skinner. I introduced myself, passed out folders for the students’ poetry, spoke a bit and took questions about the program. […]

Marge Piercy’s “Colors passing through us” was the focus of our classes this week at Skinner West. After reading the poem aloud, I asked the 2nd graders what colors the poet mentions in the […]

This week at Skinner we read “Theories of Time and Space” by US Poet Laureate, Natasha Trethewey. Students thought the poem was about following directions, being on a trip or traveling, since in the […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
