All posts in Joy Young

We are close to the end of our 10-week residency at Hamline Elementary. So, for our 9th week of poetry, I gave Hamline 6th graders the option of editing one of their old poems […]

Poetry Out Loud celebrates its 19th year with its new National Champion Niveah Glover. The Poetry Out Loud National Semifinals were held May 1 and the National Finals on May 2 hosted by poet, […]

The 7th week of poetry was magical for Twain 6th graders. I asked students, if you could create a magical potion, what would you use it for and why? Most students wanted, unlimited riches […]

For their 4th week at Shoesmith students explored ideas about nature. Students were asked, Does nature have a voice? How does it communicate with us? Students came up with wonderful responses. We discussed the […]

For their 8th week of poetry Hamline 6th graders explored various ways to communicate with one another. Nowadays people usually use social media, emails, texts and phone calls to stay in touch with one […]

For their 6 week of poetry, Twain 6th graders explored ideas about dreams. Dreams can be stories we create while we are sleeping, wishes we want to come true, or goals we have for […]

April is usually crowned month of Poetry. Although its coming to an end but that’s no reason not to still celebrate. Earlier this month the sixteen high schoolers who were the finalists in the […]

Shoesmith 5th & 6th graders became time travelers for their 3rd week of poetry. We explored how to use our five senses (touch, taste, smell, sound, and sight) to recall memories. Week 3’s theme […]

For their 7th poetry session Hamline 6th graders dappled with magic and spells. I asked if they could create a magical potion, what would you use it for and why? The majority of students […]

For their 5 week of poetry, Twain 6th graders went through a transformation. I asked students if they could change and become one thing, what would it be? The responses were awesome: a taco, […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
