All posts in Joy Young

Things got louder and noisier for Twain 4th graders during their fifth week of poetry. Students discovered Onomatopoeia, when poets use words that imitate sounds from everyday life. I had shown examples of onomatopoeia […]

This week is Halloween! To celebrate, on Tuesday, Twain 4th graders learned how rhymes can be magical. I asked students, “If you could create a magic spell, what would you use it for? Students […]

For our 3rd week of poetry, Twain 4th graders thought about memorable places they have visited, whether it’s in their neighborhood or as far away as Mexico. Travel is about adventure and a discovery […]

What’s your favorite day of the week? What’s your least favorite? Why are some days better than others? These are the questions I asked this past Tuesday for my second week with Twain 4th […]

The Poetry Out Loud will be celebrating its 20th Anniversary in 2025. The Poetry Out Loud Recitation Contest is a national program that encourages high school students to learn about great poetry through analysis, […]

I’m excited to be back teaching 4th graders this year at Twain Elementary. To get to know this new group of students, the theme for our first session on Tuesday was self-portraits. Artists create […]

This past Wednesday, I finished my 5-week summer residency with the Terrapins and the Dreamers at the O-School. I created a chapbook for our time together as a final project. While listening to music, […]

This was my 5th and final week at the O-School, where I had back-to-back days (Tuesday/Wednesday) to finish our summer residency. Since, the Terrapins and the Dreamers students love music, I decided on Tuesday […]

For our 4th week at the O-School we explored how to use our five senses to recall memories. I passed around different objects to students that represented the five senses, a seashell (touch), a […]

This week at the O-School, students explored different types of technology. We watched a video of kids, who reacted to older technology such as a typewriter, rotary phone, and record player. It’s amazing how […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
