All posts in Christie Valentin-Bati

For this week (which happens to be our last week of poetry until we spear off into a much deserved and needed winter break!) we continued to practice our new vocabulary word: ekphrasis. While […]

Right before the young poets at Hale Elementary went off to Thanksgiving Break, they were able to choose-their-own-adventure (i.e. write a poem about either the season, Thanksgiving, or whatever else they wanted!) Here are […]

Poems written about works of art, or another way to say this is ekphrastic poetry, and here’s something extra fun: the poets at Hale were also the artists! We all gathered around our semi-circle […]

After working through the more advanced middle-school level poem of “Our Land” by Langston Hughes, our 4th and 5th graders were able to discuss and reflect on how they might want their own imaginary […]

Similes are hard so we are still keeping at it and trying to practice. After splitting into three groups (Team Purple Flower, Team LilyNicole, and Team Alxa) the poets created a master list of […]

November is all about spreading love and gratitude and celebrating the good in our lives, so at Hale Elementary we kicked off the month by giving love to our BFFs. We wrote compliment poems […]

We may be half-way through autumn, but the poets at Hale have all things summery and sweet on their minds. Read our two collaborative poems where the poets practice their imagery, similes, and metaphors […]

There’s no better way to say goodbye to October and to shuffle off into November than to celebrate (though it did turn into a “roast” mid-way) of one of the most iconic monsters: Dracula. […]

Throughout the month of October we had a lot of fun doing various Halloween themed poems! One of our spooky prompts was to write poems about a made-up monster and to challenge each other […]

It’s spooky season at Hale Elementary so we decided to write some scary poems! This week, we continued to practice the concept of imagery by pretending to be witches! The students wrote vivid descriptions […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
