All posts in Chasity Gunn

Fourth and fifth grade students created sound poems. Read what they created. Grandparents’ House By Dario P. I was in my grandpa’s house ‘click’ the soda goes. My grandma is cooking ka-pluk goes the […]

This week some students wrote about spring and others wrote about food they enjoy. Mr. Alzola third grade Spring month by Nathalie butterfly grass good eggs rain flowers hot orange air   Pozole by […]

Fourth and fifth graders in the after-school program wrote poems about their community. Here’s what they wrote. My Community by Alexis G. My community is my brother. My brother helps me. Community feels like […]

Students used the calendar for inspiration. Here’s what they created. El Miercoles By Roman Esteban Es como mercurio frio por fuera pero eso no impide que uno se divierte el miercoles.   En el […]

Students wrote odes to their favorite colors. Learn how they like about their favorite colors. Mrs. O’Claire third grade Ode to Red By Noel G. I like red red like an apple red like […]

Students wrote about their favorite things. Champion Shoes By Alexis G. My favorite shoes are Champions. I like the Champion shoes to be lack. The shoes make me feel like I am in the […]

Students played around with making their poems be musical by writing sound poems. Read what they created. Mr. Alzola third grade Noise I Have Heard By Nathalie train chu chu outside people school bell […]

The fourth and fifth graders at imagined what animal they felt like on a specific day of the week. Here’s what they created. On Monday By Armanie T. Early on a Monday I feel […]

Students wrote poems describing which animals they felt like on specific days of the week. Read what that they wrote. Mr. Alzola third grade By Camila B. Lunes como sentirse un gato estar jugando […]

Students learned about poetic elements by analyzing “Jack and Jill.” They imagined what would happen after the nursery rhyme. Check out the poems they created. Mr. Alzola third grade Jack and Jill By Arianna […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
