All posts in Alyx Chandler

Lesson Note: This week, we learned all about epistolary poems by reading “Dear Basketball: by Kobe Bryant. Then everyone wrote their own letter poems! We also wrote our own myth poems this week. Mrs. […]

Lesson Note: Our second week was all about animals, rhyming, and learning how to compare! Take a look at some of the creative comparisons students wrote, and read a brilliant rhyming poem all about […]

Lesson Note: For our first week, we wrote poems about our wildest wishes, and then wrote poems about some of the places in our lives where we see, hear, touch, smell, and taste some […]

Lesson Note: This week, we finished up our residency with erasure poetry, also known as blackout poetry. This sort of poetry is created when you take a piece of text already written and then […]

Lesson Note: This week, we learned how to write epistolary poems, which are letter poems. Everyone chose a person, place, or thing and wrote a poem in letter form. We practiced identifying tone and […]

Lesson Note: This week, we learned what personification was and experimented with writing about it! We then wrote about nature, some with personification, and some with imagery, which we also read about.   Mrs. […]

Lesson Note: This week, we drew places that were special or significant, and then we wrote poems about those places. We learned that writing poems about a piece of art is an ekphrastic poem. […]

Lesson Note: This week, we focused on symbols and myths, and all things magical and ususual! Students wrote their own myth stories and shared them with each other.   Mrs. Childs, 5th Grade   […]

Lesson Note: This week, practiced rhyming and learned what a couplet was–two lines where the end of the line rhymes! We then wrote about various animals and what they were up to.   Mrs. […]

Lesson Note: This week, we tried out persona poems. Everyone envisioned they were an object, place or person and wrote about how they would feel and what secrets they wanted to share!   Mrs. […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
