Another Planet (8th)

Today, we read “Another Planet” by Dunya Mikhail and discussed the personification and similes that she used to help create this new world for the reader. (This lesson was adapted from a lesson by Joy Young). We especially loved the lines “the weapons sleep/beneath the dust.” We had some really interesting conversations about the close line between dystopia and utopia and how our poems could show a complicated but still peaceful world.

My Plenet


My planet is as peaceful

as a zen garden

The flowers on my planet

move side to side in the wind

almost as if they were

dancing. The leaves flow

in the wind as if it were

spinning around.

A world where grades

don’t yell at you in a

mean way.

A world where I can fix

myself and dance like

the flowers.

A world where it’s always

peaceful and people don’t

care what you do.

I wish my mind was as peaceful.

The World That Doesn’t Exist


There’s a world out there

one that does not exist.

It is filled with nature

as love fills my heart.

The government there can’t lie to you.

The air is warm and fresh

like a fresh baked pastry.

The trees soar as high as a plant

and the leaves dance and twirl.

The moon there guides people

through their tough times.
The world changes so fast,

like how the weather does in Chicago.

War has surrendered here

and laid down its arms.

The retired guns

not put to any use.

But this world,

it’s too perfect to exist.

So there’s this world out there,

one that does not exist.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.