Acrostic Poems at Darwin

This week at Darwin we wrote acrostic poems! It was such a fun way to make language a game. We picked random words from a ziploc bags and then wrote poems from them. Students had a lot of fun playing with words, thinking of sentences that started with their beginning letter, and many traded words with their friends to write more poems!

Here are this week’s featured poets!

Ms. Garcia, 2nd grade, Spanish

J uego con mis hermanos
U se a lapiz
E llos tiene colores
G orras pajaro cer diferentes
O so son diferentes

I play with my brothers
Use a pencil
They have colors
Bird caps different
Bear are different


A gua suena como unvio
M ama cocino tamales
O so mi animales favorito
R ana la rana vien uno por uno

Water sounds like a ghost
Mama cook tamales
Bear my favorite animals
Frog the frog come one by one


F eliz Navidad Mamá
E lefante es grande
L inda es mi mama
I ndia es un pais y de otria idioma
Z ebra es un animal

Merry Christmas Mom
Elephants are big
Beautiful is my mother
India is a plays and of another language
Zebra is an animal

Ms. Garcia, 2nd grade, English


D og is here
O livia is my best friend
Oc topus is high sea
R ain is here

D ogs are fun to play with
R eading is amazing
E ating is sometimes junkfood
A nimals can be dangerous sometimes
M ilk is good with cereal

C ke is delicious
I ce cream is good
T ree is growing in my backyard
Y ainniel is nice



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.