A List for the Future

At Henry Elementary, we looked at Chen Chen’s poem “When I Grow Up I Want to Be a List of Further Possibilities” and explored our own list of future possibilities! Following Chen Chen’s model for stanzas and unusual line breaks, students wrote poems of their own future selves. This was my last time with Mrs. Siciliano’s class, as I transition into a new classroom after Spring Break! Because of this, I am sharing a few extra poems, just for good measure! 🙂

Mrs. Siciliano’s 7+8th Grade Class

Inali S., Wishes

I wish to be
a doctor that never

fails. Someone’s best friend
and always looking out

for them. Determined
to finish a project or

achieve a goal. I wish to be
a constellation that someone may not understand,

but appreciates. I wish to be
the sun to shine on someone’s

bad day. I wish to be
a plushie someone keeps close

when they are down. Someone’s caretaker
making sure they are

loved. I wish to be
a scarf to keep

someone warm. I wish to be
someone’s art project to put so much

love and effort.

Bryan P., To be a Mechanic

I will feel excited
Very hard to not get hurt
feel like a kid
and say I am
who I wanted to be

I want to be many things
but to fly
is what I want
if I could I would try
but I can say finally

I am happy
but not excited
I want silence
and to be happy
and to smile

M.Z., Torn in 2

In one
to fit in with the girls.

In one to be
smart, & hard working

In one to
rest in a final place

In two
wish in a baker

In two
to be free

In two
fly for a last time.

Matthias T, My Future Self

I want a job in technology
maybe development or coding.

I wanna be a good friend
and be married to a significant other.

cracking’ jokes, everyone laughs.
doin’ pranks with no harm.

dark red, I want to be
fueling me.

Saya M., I Want To Be

I want to be a

to take pictures of things that have meaning
and feeling.

to capture the moment that has
the most importance.

I want to be a good

Someone that can help
people with almost anything.

Someone who is supportive
and will always have your back.

I want to be the. music
that helps people feel safe and calm
maybe even happy.

I want to be the photography
for someone like me.

Jasper Q., Maybe in the Future

Maybe in the future, I could be a
guitarist in a band.

Maybe in the future, I could become
a great dad for my kids.

I want to be a TV so I could
display entertainment for my loved ones.

I know I am very kind to those
around me.

I am not sure if I could be like
this in the future, but I’m trying my best.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.