Ode to…

For our fifth week at Henry, we looked at Elizabeth Acevedo’s “Rat Ode.” We learned about odes, imagery, and word bubbles (or word maps), and how useful word bubbles can be to our pre-writing time in generating descriptive imagery.
Check out our odes for this last week!

Mrs. Siciliano’s 7th+8th grade class

Edras C.
Ode to Home
Ode to home
because of the things
it offers.
It can offer my mother’s cooking,
It can offer my room
It can also offer a safe place for me.
Ode to home,
It can offer my family

Makayla C.
Fluffy Unicorns
Ode to the unicorns I love how unicorns are fluffy and magical. They’re very colorful and sparkly. And the best part is that they can fly. You can go to any place you want with a unicorn. You can go to a tropical island, or any place you can imagine, JUST WITH A UNICORN! like I said, unicorns are the best animals ever! A unicorn can also protect you with just their horns. They are so much more things that unicorns are good for.

Elias C.
Ode to my grandma
She’s such a gambler,
Short, funny, caring, sweet, crazy…
always awake. Gets NO rest.
babysits my baby cousin everyday
for five years straight.
Very very active.
Loves to have bingo nights and get
money (she always wins).
She’s always doing something. No matter
what. She always cleans, cooks, goes shopping
and more.

Keyla B.
Ode to cats
they are fluffy
and some cats are
chunky. I like that
they are independent
and like their space.

But they also
like cuddles and
some love. Also
cats can be crazy.

The life you live
Ode to My Mother
for my dear mother, I wish to soon trust you soon but
for now I can say you are a survivor in this world.

Asa child you had to face empty places, no food, and
cold nights on the streets. One thing is clear that man you
had to call “father” never went hungry. As you grew older
you were a cook I wish my mouth can enjoy the food
you made, but my brother loved it. You prayed for life
to be easy for us but life is never fair not even for
kids. I know you dream for things, but maybe I get in
the way.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.