For our 10th poetry session, the theme was questions. Why do people ask questions? Does every question have to have an answer? The O-School students gave great responses to these questions. Most students mentioned how people ask questions because they are curious, wish to gain new knowledge about the world around them, and want to understand what others are thinking and feeling. One student brought up rhetorical questions, questions that are often asked without expecting a clear answer such as “What’s the meaning of life?” or “What happens after we die?” These questions are asked to emphasis a point, create a dramatic effect, but also offer deep self-reflection.
Together we read and discussed the poem “India,” by Sandeep Kaur, who was a teen poet featured in the WritersCorps anthology “Tell the World.” In her poem Kaur directly asks questions to India, the country of her birth. India why didn’t you tell me to stay in your arms? / Why can’t I see you from my window? Why didn’t you come with me? / Why don’t you understand how much I miss you? From these questions students concluded that Kaur feels lonely and homesick. A few students described their own experiences of living in a new home or traveling to an unfamiliar place.
Inspired by Sandeep Kaur, students wrote their own question poems containing no answers. This allows the readers to interpret the answers for themselves. Please enjoy this week’s poems and artwork below.
Group A (Middle School)
Love Questions
Why do I cry, because of you?
Why can’t you stay with me?
Why do I miss you?
Can’t you understand how much I need you?
Why can’t I find you?
Why won’t you love me?
Dear Body
Why are we black and blue inside?
But we are smiling in the outside?
Why do we love the way we do?
Why do we lose everyone?
Why does every heartbreak
and another bruise?
Why are we losing ourselves.
I miss the younger you.
Money Questions
How to get money fast?
How to rob a bank?
Where to get a ski mask?
How do you get money for a mask?
How to gamble?
What is debt?
School Questions
What is school for?
What is for lunch?
When are we leaving school?
Why do teachers look old?
Why are teachers mean?
Why are teachers ugly?
Why Me?
Why now?
Why me?
Why am I so sick?
Is this forever?
Will I ever get better?
What if I get worse?
What happens then?
Just, why?
Trump Questions
What did you attack the White House?
Why are you a selfish person?
Why did you fight on the capital?
Why did you get shot?
Why are you a loser?
are you sure you should be president?
My Dead Cat Ernie Questions
Why are you the cutest?
Why was your cat food nasty?
What was your favorite selfie of you?
Why was I allergic to you?
Am I still your best friend?
What was so comfy about my bed?
Why were you rolling on the carpet?
What are your opinions on your dog
brother, Bandit and Jesse?
Why do you have the most adorable
tiny paws at age 17?
Group B (Middle School)
No Questions
No. Why is saying No ok?
No. Why is saying No, not correct?
No. What about No is not Ok?
No. What about saying No isn’t correct?
No. What about Not sharing is, Ok?
No. What about Not Ok, is Ok?
Dad Questions
Are you a cool dad?
Do you love me?
Do you love Mom?
Are you friends with Paul?
Do you love Davis?
Are you good at sports?
Hey, Giant Train
Where are you going?
What are you carrying?
Why are you slowing?
Why have you stopped in the middle
of the track?
Hey, do you call chunks of coal a snack?
How do you work?
How do you move?
Do you have a driver?
Or is it just you?
Where do you come from?
Where is your home?
Do your wheels ache?
Or your funnel or your dome?
Do you have any friends?
Or a place to rest?
Or is being stuck on a siding,
is how you fell the best?
Future Questions
- What color will my future dog be?
- Will I still have the same identity?
- Where will the next 3 place be?
- Is my family still alive? Am I still alive?
- am I still friends with K, T, S etc?
- What’s high school like?
Pizza Questions
Why is pineapple pizza so popular in Canada?
Is the deep-dish pizza the most liked pizza?
Why is pepperoni pizza overrated?
Is cheese pizza genetic?
What is the best Illinois pizza place?
What’s the worse Illinois pizza place?
Interesting Questions
Is my sister insane?
Why do people hate?
How does water get made?
Why is fire hot?
Did the government hide
the JFK files from us?
Who will survive in America?
Dear Future
Existential Crisis
No, I’m not a stereotype.
I’m not that popular,
Oh yes, I admit it.
I’m not that privileged,
Oh yes, I admit it.
Why am I here?
If I don’t make a difference?
Doing good or doing bad.
I don’t know why.
It makes me sad, when I ask
why I’m here? and no one
seems to have an answer.
They say I talk too much.
So why don’t I use that to speak out?
They say I annoy everyone.
So why don’t I use what I do
to influence the decisions that our
representatives make?
What is my purpose?