why isn’t it baseball season already? Letter Poems

For the 11th session with Waters 6th graders, we looked at letter poems, also known as epistolary poems. Students thought about figures they would talk to if they could (living or dead, fictional or real, animal or human). Then we read “Another Night at Sea Level” by Meg Day, discussed who the speaker may be writing to, and students wrote their own letter poems. Take a look below and enjoy!

Ms. Hooper’s Class

Dear Caitlin Clark
by Abby K.

How does it feel to be famous?
Everyone looking up to you,
including me.
Do you miss your old team,
like I miss old friends?
Stuelke, Martin, Davis, Jhonson
I don’t know…

Dear Soul Character
by Abe M.

What’s the meaning of life
I heard you know
the train blocks out your voice
but tell me
what’s the meaning of life
to 999,99,123 west hollywood

A Summer Day
by Ollie B.

Summer is coming
I’m excited
The flowers bloom and the trees get their leaves
I love summer break
no school
and staying up late
lately we’ve been having a lot of school work
I’m excited to have no more.

Ms. Collins’ Class

Letter Poem
by Sami C.M.

When the day has come baseball
season will be back. I need to know
what is the meaning of life?? That’s
some thing I wonder. Last time I went
shopping I got seaweed and
found baseball big league chew and I
wondered why isn’t it baseball
season already. Why did you do baseball in the
first place – I NEED TO KNOW!!

Dear Great Grandmother
by Xoelli C.

I can’t wait for school to be over and
to enjoy the summer.
Sometimes I wonder….
Can a lot of things be different
if you just think positively?
Lately, I’made a really nice realistic
drawing and I love drawing.
I really want to
become an artist.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.