Poems (with footnotes)

This week Water’s 6th and 7th graders in Ms. Smallwood and Ms. Hernandez’ classes read “Thank you Letter (with footnotes)” by John Grandits. In class we discussed creating double meanings in our writing and formatting and students tried their hands at writing their own poems (with footnotes). Please enjoy a selection of their writing!

Ms. Smallwood
6th Grade 

The Sound (1)

Loretta J.

I heard a sound walking (2).

Coming closer and closer (3)

I heard it talking (4)

It was pacing along my hallway (5)

I heard it walking again (6)

Coming closer and closer (7)

Then a BANG! (8)

  1. My brother
  2. It was my brother!
  3. Dude! What time does that kid get up at?
  4. He was yelling because he finally found his iPad
  5. He was running along the hallway
  6. He frightened me so much!
  7. Dude! It went bam!
  8. My brother fell and broke his foot.

The last time I played Battleship

Jake K.

The last time I played battleship it scarred me

for life (1). I got caught and tried to surrender (2),

then I tried to escape (3). After some interrogation

they left (4). It was crazy (5)

  1. I played in the lake with metal canoes and we sunk
  2. They “weren’t taking prisoners”
  3. They were on my ship. Whoops.
  4. Not after sinking my ship with me inside!
  5. I never want to do that again, scratch that, it was fun.

Ms. Hernandez 

7th Grade

Thank you to all the referees

Yusuf S.

Thank you to all the referees,

Thank you for all the great (1) calls, all the amazing (2) decisions

and all the amazing (3) games you have excellent (4) vision,

great (5) awareness, but best of all, you are a great man.

All those fouls, offsides, everything. How do you always get

them right (6)? You listen (7) to everyone and are always

making the game better (8).

  1. Terrible
  2. Horrendous
  3. Horrid
  4. Non-existing
  5. Bad
  6. Wrong
  7. Don’t listen
  8. Worse

Thank you for the chocolate

Owen O.

Thank you for the chocolate (1). Chocolate

is my favorite (2). I will eat it

tomorrow (3). Chocolate is the best

thing in the whole world (4).

How did you know I love

chocolate (5)? I’m so happy writing

this letter to you (6). I was hoping

I got chocolate this year (7)!

Thank you very much (8)!

  1. Thanks for nothing
  2. I hate chocolate
  3. I will never eat it
  4. Chocolate sucks
  5. I hate chocolate
  6. I’m wasting my time writing this letter
  7. I was hoping I got skittles
  8. Thanks for nothing



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.