Walk the Walk

Last week we discussed our most rhymingest poem to-date, “People Walk Around” by Frederick Seidel. Skinner students are already savvier regarding slant or half rhymes; while Seidel’s haphazard scheme relies largely on the impact of its full or exact rhymes, its more subtle moments enhance the poem’s overall sonic qualities. Thematically, the title conveys much of what’s going on, as the speaker describes seemingly random observations in an urban landscape. However, there’s also a distinctly romantic vibe present, in line with a certain recent holiday, offset by an unusual turn in the last stanza toward “feathered dinosaurs turning into birdsong” and ending with an assessment of the “planet continu[ing] to go wrong.” This final line was one we seriously and pragmatically pondered.

The writing prompt was the kinds of things we notice when we walk around. Join us along these plentiful poetic promenades…

Ms. Travis

4th Grade

Walk Through Time
Samuel C.

When I woke up I said to my brother let's take a walk
so we began to talk
at first I said “let's walk through a park”
he said “how about somewhere dark”
“how about through time” I said
“OK but we have to be back before bed”
so we went to when they first
made doors then to
the time of the dinosaurs
we saw lots of amazing things
but we ended at when they
made the first strings
it was so cool
it was the summer so
I wanted to play in the pool.

Taking a Walk
Carter J.

Once upon a time
an alien took a walk but
no it was not a
regular walk because the
alien was on
Mars but we can't
talk forever.

The Strange Walk
Kayden L.

I walked my pet goldfish and
I saw my two great great great grandmas
and my boss was flying and
a baby was building a house. I wanted
to go home, but I realized my house was
getting built and my goldfish robbed me.

The Stray Walk
E'Mari M.

I take a walk. I heard beautiful
birds chirping with an angelic voice.
Even the sky looks like it was made
by god himself. The trees looked amazed
like a human!

I smelled the grilling of
perfection. I saw a dog barking
at everyone in its path, it really needs
a long bath. The smell was unfathomable.
But it was still the perfect moment.

Ms. Nelson

4th Grade

Monkey Donkey
Abdul A.

In the forest there was
a monkey and he played
with a donkey so they played
and stayed in the forest.

So they came to Earth (in
where they were birthed

and they saw Peter
their best friend. He was
drinking a liter.

The Walk to School
Grayson B.

When I walk to school
I sometimes see a pool.
Or maybe some grass.
I'll pass on that path.
I can hear the birds chirping
and I can see people lurking.
Sometimes I feel the squirrels
calling for me or leaves falling
on you. I can smell the beautiful
flowers but sometimes it takes hours, days
or months to grow. They can be high or
low. Then I get to school hours pass at last
school's over then I'll continue to build
my tower.

Pablo S.

I take a walk, I see blurry.
I grab my glasses from my
pocket. In a second the world
goes from Hell, a desert with
monsters, to Heaven with
beautiful creatures then
butterflies fly behind me.
I see fairies, phoenixes, and
a dragon. Then I see a
dog, look it in the eyes,
I die. I am in the dog.
To be continued.

Mrs. Keffer

4th Grade

Janice H.

I decided to take a walk on the busy New York street
I see a pigeon eating bread and sellers selling
Kit Kats

Walking Thru an Alley
Vihaan J.

I am walking thru an alley
a scary alley dark dry and
flyable alley. Why because
Jay threw up some hay
some hay that pays.

He played and made
rhyming memes. Memes
about the night sky the
scary scary night sky.
When werewolves strike. He
writes rhymes multiple rhymes.

Dry and grungy alley
without police in miles
so I say hi and
run away. After some time
I ran some more said sing my
song everyone mew!

I Run, I See
Joash V.

Run run run
I see a floating tree
I see a green bee
I see a yellow bear
I'm running everywhere

I run past 85th Street
I see some people having a chess meet
I run past countless shops
I see 60 cops

I see people running from a crime
well they are running out of time
I see people getting kidnapped
wait whaaat

I'm getting hungry so I stop
I get some food
the food was good
then I meet a random dude
a dog eats a cat a cat eats a dude
I eat a dude the random dude

Mr. O’Brien
4th Grade

This Is Not Good!
Khaleesi C.

One day I
took a walk it was like a free
gym you might say this is not fun
here it comes one day
it was a nice day I see
an old friend in person
I see uh uh uh school
come on now I don't
want to go when that ends
I just go but I see a
man that picks on people
and kids.

Natasha P.

I always take a walk
early with my dog. She is very cute.
Then I see my school. I
see my friends.

The Scary Walk
Leo S.

One day I walked to a store
there was a raccoon on the side
of the road. Then I saw a coyote.
I got in the store finally I was
safe. But it was a pet shop.
King cobra, pink hairy tarantula both
looking at me.

What Happens When I Walk
Phoenix W.

When I walk I take off
when I take off I talk
when I walk I play with
chalk when I walk I hear
dogs bark when I hear
barks I go home because
I realize I'm walking my



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.