‘For 100s of sleep unders and overs’: Letter-Poems

Students wrote letter poems called Epistolary poems after reading Kobe Bryant’s poem, ‘Dear Basketball.’

Lesson Note: “When you make art, and you don’t know what’s going to happen, you’re involved in the mystery that life is.”-Judy Tuwaletsiwa, an 80-year-old artist from Your Brain on Art, How The Arts Transform Us, 2023, Ross and Magsamen

Ms. Hernendez, 7th Grade

Dear Block

By Calvin R.

Dear block,

I’d like to thank you

For years and years of fun, And more to come.

I’d like to thank you

For all those alley parties. Staying up till 3 am and drinking too much soda at flippy cup.

I’d like to thank you

For the cold and painful games of football in the winter. Which was way too painful.

I’d like to thank you

For 100s of sleep unders and overs. All way too late.

I’d like to thank you.

For arizona.

I’d like to thank you

For tennessee

I’d like to thank you 

For all my memories.

Sincerely, an all-time block member, Rocky.

I’m sorry… I Still Love You

by Isabella G.

I’m sorry,

For all the times I pet you the wrong way.

For all the times that I forgot to feed you.

For all the times that I didn’t give you attention when you wanted it.

For all the times I loved you.

I’m sorry

For when I cried when you threw up blood.

For thinking you’re weak.

For getting worried when you come home from outside with cuts.

For worrying if it will be over soon.

For keeping you close even though you’re so far.

I’m sorry

Are you strong enough to stay here?

Will you keep me happy longer?

Will you win fights?

Will you stay outside longer like you used to?

Will you love me again?

I’m sorry

Would you like to take a walk in the park together?

While you’re still strong?

Will you be careful to be kind to other cats?

Would you fall in love with me again?

After all I’ve done?

The things I cannot change?

Would you love me all the same?

I love you with all my heart

I’m sorry, I still love you.

From your loving owner, Isabella

Mrs. McClain, 8th Grade

Dear soccer

By Alban R.

Dear soccer, 

I knew from the moment 

I met you, you were special

3 years old the first time I kicked a ball

I knew this was what I was going to do

I’ve kept up with you every single day

always trying to improve

You were my source of strength

When I had nothing to lean on

You still delight me to this day

So, I try to play whenever I can

You’ve given me opportunities

And for that, I thank you

For everything

For always being there

For always supporting me 

For moments like

30 seconds left in the game!

He has the ball at his feet

He takes on the shot

Its in! He won the game!

You’ll always be with me

Much love,


Dear, Hockey

By Tommy S.

Dear hockey 

I’ve known you since I was five 

I have spent all of my years with you 

But there is something I need to tell you

I get hurt but enjoy the thrill

I have bruises every other day 

I enjoy the excitement of scoring

My legs are sore after every practice

But the enjoyment of getting on the ice fills me up with joy

My calves hurt

But all of the pain is worth the enjoyment of you. Sincerely Tommy 



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.