Would you like to see…?

As usual, when working with 2nd graders – many of whom have never had a creative writing practice – the first 5 sessions are meant to introduce students to how poems look on the page, how poems feel in our mouths and throats, and how they sound in our ears. We learn about LINES and STANZAS. We become awake to using our senses. We look for patterns. Students read and discuss how comparisons show up in poetry, then, try to experiment with making their own similes. We consider the world of our dreams.

Last week, for our fifth sessions, Swift 2nd graders explored imagery by coming up with unusual ideas to create pictures in our minds. Students were hesitant at first, unsure that I really meant for us to be silly and whimsical with our imaginations. Read on to enjoy some of the ideas they came up with!

Ms. Brist
2nd Grade

Crazy Dreams
by Aura A.

I would like to see
a boot full of rats and
a camel full of ear wax
and a plant full of hair
and a belly full of legs.
If I saw a belly full of
legs I would scream.


If I saw a house made of flowers
I would go inside and smell them.

If I saw a tree made of cheese
I would take a picture of it and send it.

If I saw a star made of rainbows
I will be happy.


I would like to see
a closet full of fingers
a dog full of heads
a belly full of teeth
a TV made of feet
a hand made of toes
a person made of ears

She’Ana Y.

I would like to see a pool
full of Saturn doing the helicopter
I would like to see a turtle
standing up dancing to “Siga My Boy.”
I would like to see a vanilla ice cream cone
dancing at the table with me and Aura
and Natalie
because it’s fun.


I would like to see
a lake of flowers that can turn
different colors. I would
like to see a tree of stars
that can light up. I would
like to see a star of wishes
that can do everything.


I would like to see
a closet full of water
a cloud made of cotton candy
a house made of flowers
a shirt made of pillows
a coffee full of marshmallows
a bee made of spikes
a clock made of butterflies
a rainbow made of unicorns
and a dog made of snow.

Ms. Pendola
2nd Grade


I would like to see
a storm full of candy
falling from the sky. Raining
KitKats, thundering snickers.
I would like to see
a cowboy full of cow, buffalo, and moo…
I would like to see
a cow full of socks, stinky.


I would like to see
a dog made of books
a flower made of pillowcases
a hoodie made of cheese
a snake made of lava
a pager made of water
an owl made of stone
a lion made of leather
a snake sleeping in a big skull
and a hat made of rocks.

What I would like to see
by A’aliyah

I would like to see…
a plate made of rubber,
a house made of glass,
a cabinet made of folders,
a cup made of tape,
a person made of hair,
a clock made of paper.
a TV made of water,
a dress made of soap,
and a table made of erasers.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.