Oh My Unique Name!- Name Poems

This week we wrote about the importance of our names and how they can represent us out in the world. We read an excerpt from “The House on Mango Street” where the main character Esperanza talks about the story behind her name. We discussed how names can tell people about our culture, our families, our history, our personality and so much more. Students got to work on their own name poems. It was really tough picking this weeks pieces. There were so many great ones! Enjoy this week’s poems! 

Ms. Caplan’s Class- 6th Grade

Angelica V. 

My First Name

My first name is Angelica which means messenger of

God, or angel. I believe my first name is as sweet as 

a tres leches cake, the feeling of how all the letters

look together, the sound of the name when you say it

Angelica…Angelica sounds in the background, like

a majestic angel, goddess, a saint almost. My name makes me

feel like summer, a hot summer day going to the

pool with your friend, splashing in the water

enjoying the pool day. When people say my name

sometimes they say it with an English accent, saying it how it

looks, or maybe they’ll say it with a more Spanish

accent, saying it just like my mom would call me, or maybe

they want to call me by my nickname Angie. 

But there is also two ways of saying it, the English

version and the Spanish, where instead of saying it

whole they say it Angy, and ignore the “I” and the 

“E”. I like my name because it was the name my mom 

always wanted. I am grateful for my name and 

I wouldn’t change it for anything. 



The name Ozavier means special, 

because no one could find 

it online or anywhere.

Even if you look super hard

you still wouldn’t be able 

to find it. 

I like my name because

it’s random. 

If I had a different name it, 

would be Ozavier. 

My name makes me feel like

I’m in a place where I belong. 

Ms. Murray’s Class- 6th Grade

My Name

Bianca M. 

In Italian my name 

means “white” and in English

it sounds like skates hitting and gliding over ice. 

It tastes like vanilla while each of the letters

fall on my tongue and turn into a

name that feels worn out from all

the times people have yelled it. 

My name symbolizes who I am. 

In a way my name shapes who I am

Though my name has no real power over 

my identity I feel they go hand in hand

to make who I am. 

My Unique Name


My name is a curious name

that comes from the Roman times

the meaning is “son of Mars”.

My name is unique and funny

because it’s just one that

I hear, and when you repeat it

again and again, sounds stronger

and funny. I think my name

represents me a lot because 

it sounds happy like me.

My name sounds like a ukelele

because it sounds cute and

sweet. Sweet like a donut in

the sky, sweet like when you

hug a teddy bear and you feel 

really soft. 

My name tastes like candy

when you pronounce it, like bubble 

gum, because it’s soft and delicate. 

Oh my unique name! 



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.