For nearly ten years, the Chicago Poetry Center has partnered with the Illinois Arts Council as the Chicagoland Regional host for Poetry Out Loud (POL). Two-time Illinois POL champion, Yohanna Endashaw, won the Suburban Schools Regionals in 2023 and again in 2024. In a recent interview, IAC’s Director of Communications, George Tarasuk, spoke with Yohanna and Chicagoland Regionals Coordinator, Joy Young of the Chicago Poetry Center.
Read the interview below:
GEORGE: Yohanna, you have plenty of experience with POL. For you, what stands out as the most memorable moment?
YOHANNA: For me, Poetry Out Loud was about more than reciting lines. Standing on stage, I felt the connection between myself, the poet, and the audience. The energy in the room when the audience silences to listen is both exciting and intimidating. Most of all, it is meaningful to be heard, and have a space to voice issues important to me. One of my favorite moments was performing “Once the World Was Perfect”—the power of Joy Harjo’s words was unifying whether discussing humanity’s faults or our ability to collectively uplift each other.
GEORGE: What would you say to students thinking of signing up?
YOHANNA: Embrace the new, even if you’ve never done spoken word before. It’s a chance to find your voice, build confidence, and discover the power of language. Poetry Out Loud will push you. I started as someone who loved literature but wasn’t sure about performing. POL is an incredible way to explore yourself and your capabilities to connect with an audience.
GEORGE: Joy, where should teachers go for help in organizing a POL competition in their school and might you have any recitation tips?
JOY: The Poetry Out Loud website offers free materials to aid teachers in implementing the program in their schools. This includes free lesson plans and other educational resources to teachers and organizers, including an online anthology with a collective of more than 1,200 classic and contemporary poems. E-lesson plans and other educational resources to teachers and organizers, including an online anthology with a collective of more than 1,200 classic and contemporary poems.
Students should choose poems that resonate with them. Watch and study recitation videos of past performances from national finalists on the Poetry Out Loud website. A strong recitation involves making a connection with the audience through eye contact, voice projection, articulation, and body language. A student’s performance must honor the poem. Their style of delivery can influence how the audience understands and internalizes the poem’s meaning.
GEORGE: Lastly, Yohanna, what would you say to a teacher thinking of bringing POL to their school?
YOHANNA: Poetry Out Loud offers students a space to express themselves with depth, building confidence and empathy. For myself, and many other champions I’ve spoken to, it became a journey of self-discovery through language. POL is a unique community around the art of expression.
The Chicagoland Regionals two-day competition will be held at the Poetry Foundation, 61 W. Superior St. in Chicago. City School Regionals will take place on February 5, 2025 from 10am-1pm and Suburban School Regionals will take place on February 12, 2025 from 10am-1pm.
Poetry Out Loud Registration is now available. The deadline to register is January 17, 2025.
Poetry Out Loud is a national arts education program that encourages the study of great poetry by offering free educational materials and a dynamic recitation competition for high school students across the country. For questions about Chicagoland Regionals registration and contest details contact Joy Young at: