Table for — Twenty?

Last week at Skinner, we read Turkish poet Edip Cansever‘s “Table.” In the poem, Cansever talks about a man who piles a number of ‘things’ on a table. First, we counted how many items the man puts on the table; then, I asked how many of those a person could really touch and place onto a table? Some were quite easy to think of, such as keys, flowers, eggs and milk, but as we got deeper into the poem, other things were harder to imagine, such as “light that came in through the window”, “sounds of a bicycle,” or “things that happened in his mind.” However, as we explored these concepts students began to come up with some very imaginative ways to place these on a table. It was quite a conversation!

For the prompt, the 2nd graders were asked to write about a thing (or things) they see everyday, around their homes. Here’s a selection.

Ms. Ellis
Room 221

Mackenzie B.

I see it every day.

There is not a moment
I don’t see it.

It makes me happy.

I love it.

What is it?

It’s my family.

Doors Open Doors Closed
Sonia C.

I see doors open then
closed I go to my
room I close my door
I open it and explore
the house I see doors open
and close like the wind
wondering why they open and

Jermiyah P.

I see my family every day
it is funny when my mom
or dad plays Twister it
is very crazy!

Valeria R.

I always see my chair and
I see my door it is long
in the hall and the
bread it is sad and
happy with no light
in it. No more thinking
so happy. No mom and
dad — no sister and brother.

Gabrielle T.

I see the window.
I see the liberty.

My Fish
Louvenia W.

My fish is named
Super Man. He is
blue and red. I see him
every day and he makes
me happy. He swims
in his bowl and I feed
him. My fish Super Man.

My Chair
Destiny W.

It is special. It has been passed on
to my family. One day I’m going
to give it to my kids. It says
“God is here for us,” no one can sit
in it. It is very special.

Mrs. Beaudry
Room 217

Good Things
Jazmynn B.

What I see in my house,
I see a cute little furry
mouse! I’m so scared
that I did not bare
to touch it! It looked like it
was very small and I’m very tall.
When I look at the cute furry
mouse, IT WAS REALLY A RAT!!!!!!!
I was freaked out!

Ellyss D.

When I came back home from
school I see my doll.

There is something about her
that makes me feel good

I dream about her in my sleep
she is looking at something
it looks like something grand.

I love my Dolly nothing can

replace her.

Ishaa G.

Today, I come home,
and what I see,
is quicker than a lion,
faster than a leopard.

I see an airplane.
No, more like a
No, actually it is
a jet. I fly in
it all day.

Brooks H.

As soon as I walk into the room, I
feel warm inside. This is better
than I ever dreamed. I really enjoy
the new play set that I will think
about every day.

The TV
Benjamin M.

When I come home from school
I see the TV
It is always black

It is very boring
I really want to turn it on
But I have to do my homework.

My Bed
Hunter R.

One day in my room
I saw a lot of
I see toys, TV, I see
But there is only
one thing I love.
It is the comfiest
thing in the world!
Everything is soft
and cuddly.
I would never do anything
for it. I wouldn’t even trade
it for 1 million dollars!

My Television Mind Controls Me
Abby R.

It controls my mind and evaporates me.
I go in there and play some
games in there.

I got killed cause I was a bad guy.

Game over. I zoomed big screen
and jumped out.

Not evaporated. I’m out.

Mrs. Rupp
Room 219

Gabrielle E.

I see LEGO friends everyday. Olivia’s shining
face sparkles in the moonlight.

Vincent P.

Every day, I see beds.
Beds are fun to sleep in

I fall asleep fast.
I am never awake for awhile.

I wake up every day in them.
The morning is never fun.

The Door
Carmen T.

The door doesn’t do anything.
The door only stays where it is.
The door only closes and opens.

The door can keep people safe.
The door can lock.
The door can be decorated.

Megan T.

I hold food every day. I can’t
eat them. Too bad. I give food
with the touch of water. I add
Food + Food = Drink or Drink + Food = Food.
So I am giving them a touch
of love + Water + Food = me a fridge.

Jorge V.

I wake up, see my brother spitting
and breaking my LEGO. I freak out,
and die, literally.

My Family
Joshua Z.

My family
I love, see
leave sorry bye
I go to school
then I go home
I see my family
we’re all happy
once again

Mrs. Stone
Room 216

My Sight
Kael M.

What I see —
My family and me, we go
see things everyday like my home.
I see bedrooms, walls, and
the floor including air.
Everything I see is similar to me.

Calvin R.

I see me in the light I see us I
talk to my self and say HOW HOW
did this happen

Ethan S.

When I watch
TV I sit on it
and I eat

I sometimes slack
on the couch
sometimes when
I slack on the couch
I get lazy.

I love my couch
and if it moves I
will move with it.

My Things
Kaleb S.

I see my bed and ted
so is see me like I see
my pet flea and PS3.

Jordan T.

I see my little sissy. She
barely opens up her eyes. I
always say HELLO AVA! But
she always cried. I don’t do
it anymore.

Christian W.

Some people use elevators
others use hands.
We called roofs. Roofs are
walls that keep us dry and



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.