A Bowl of Potpourri

For the past few months, Carver students have worked hard creating poems, some students doing it for the very first time. Last week, Carver’s students took a break from writing new poems and spent some time in the editing process. Students had lots of poem drafts to choose from, and spent our time together remixing lines or words to their liking. When we finished writing, students got a chance to share their work aloud. Check out some of the writing below:

My People 

by Liv P. 

To the cookouts that last forever,

To the Erykah Badu in my headphones,

To the Mary J. Blige and The Roots,

To the false claims of leaving in 5,

but staying until after dusk,

To the towel slung over my dad’s shoulder

as he cooks

To the old school Chicago steppin’

To the J.B. skating,

To the Rink and Markham,

To Shea Moisture and Cantu,

To the curly and coily hair,

To the box braids and locs,

To the Blue Magic and hair supplies box,

To the other side of 8-mile my dad grew up or,

To my southern roots,

To my grandmother Ethel,

And my grandfather Ocea,

And their son Jeffrey,

Rest in power,

To the blood coursing through my veins;

to my people.



by Ahniyah D. 

I miss the old you

You can say you’re the same

but I find it hard to be true


We were together when the sky

didn’t shine


when the sky was blue


Now sometimes I think I was dreaming


our love wasn’t



It was real for

only a


True love

doesn’t last





“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.