A new home for our office and events: Haymarket House!

On August 1, the Chicago Poetry Center officially moved our offices and public programming into our new home, Haymarket House at 800 W. Buena Ave!

We held our Summer Poetry Gathering at Haymarket House a couple weeks prior, and look forward to hosting our monthly Blue Hour Reading Series and Generative Workshops from Haymarket House on the third Wednesday of every month.

We’re keeping our South Side mailing address, though, because our operations team primarily operates our day-to-day activities on the South Side of Chicago. So with that in mind:

Regular mail should be sent to our mailing address:
Chicago Poetry Center
1448 E. 52nd St, #256
Chicago IL 60615

Events (and team and board meetings) will occur primarily at Haymarket House:
Chicago Poetry Center
800 W. Buena*
Chicago IL 60613

*Packages should also be sent to this address.

We’re thrilled to welcome our community back to in-person events in this beautiful space. (Blue Hour readings are in person and live-streamed now!) And we’re very excited to begin this partnership with Haymarket Books and to enjoy being office-neighbors with our friends and colleagues at P+NAP!

Thanks to all who joined us for the Summer Gathering–we look forward to seeing you at Haymarket House for Blue Hour this September!

Three of our staff (left to right: Kristina, Beth, and Helene) posing at the front door after helping set up our new office space.

To explore more of Haymarket House, check out the photos below!

Front entrance
Poet Tarnynon Onumonu reading at our Summer Poetry Gathering. July 20, 2022. Photo by Joshua Tatro.
Main event space.
Outdoor backyard space.
Central foyer room.
Kitchen and common eating room.
Library and reading room.




“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.