Programs Spotlight: Creativity Continues through Summer School Programs and Poetry Gatherings

School Programs Continue Through the Summer


CPC Poets in Residence taught in 53 residencies across 16 Chicago schools this year. What happened in these residencies is nothing short of inspiring. For the final weeks of Fullamusu Bangura’s residency with 4th-grade students at Kozminski Academy, the classroom was transformed into the Mahogany Club, an open mic where young poets took turns sharing poems and cheering on their peers.


However, even though the school year concluded two months ago, the creativity of students and CPC Poets in Residence such as Fullamusu has certainly continued into the summer.


In fact, for CPC students, summer is the perfect time to keep those creative juices flowing. At Morton College’s STEAM Camp, Fullamusu and fellow CPC Poet in Residence Luis Tubens are writing collaborative poems with campers as young as six years old.


After an incredible year of after-school programming at Hale Elementary, Fullamusu returns to Hale three days a week for a summer enrichment program. Engaging students between 3rd and 8th grade, Fullamusu teaches poetry lessons on names, superheroes, and more.


In a recent group poem from Hale, students show off their rhyming skills with this phenomenal couplet: My name Hui is short and easy to say. / Stop singing in my face! I’m not Ariana Grande.

Tuesdays: Hang Out with Local Poets at Poetry @ The Green!

Poetry @ The Green Flyer with Dates and Lineup of Featured Performers
Join Poets in Residence Tarnynon Onumonu and Timothy David Rey on Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. to hear outstanding featured poets perform their work at The Green at 320 S. Canal (aka The Green at 320). This new public park in the West Loop is the perfect setting for our fun and free weekly poetry readings. After every performance, there will be an open mic for anyone with a poem, song, or story to share. Check out this link for more details and accessibility information.

Summer Poetry Gathering

Adrian Matejka, the new editor of Poetry, speaks to the crowd at the Summer Poetry Gathering.
Thank you to everyone who attended our July 20 Summer Poetry Gathering at Haymarket House! We enjoyed sharing the new space with you all as we gathered together in community to connect with each other and hear Adrian Matejka and CPC’s Poets in Residence perform their amazing work.


We can’t wait to share photos from the event, so stay tuned for those photos in our next spotlight.

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the Chicago Poetry Center!

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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.