5th graders wonder: What does it all mean?

To kick off the new year, Avondale-Logandale 5th graders wondered which is more important: questions or answers? We also wondered what makes us rich? Family? Gold? Money? Hard work? Wisdom? Students read Naomi Shihab Nye’s poem, “Who’s Rich?” before writing their own poems. Enjoy!

Mrs. Pannell
5th grade – Room 204

which are the cutest guinea pigs in the world?
Andrivel Q.

Which are the cutest guinea pigs in the world?
Maybe it could be mine
Maybe other people might disagree
Maybe others would hate mine
It’s fine if they do.
Maybe people think theirs are the cutest.

Which are the cutest guinea pigs in the world?
To be honest its…..
All of them.


Earth and Its Changes
Angelina A.

Why is the world very different from all the others?
Who is the smartest person in the world?
What is the meaning of life?
When will the world be destroyed?
Where will the next human era be at?
How will the world be different from now?
Why is the world changing all around us?
Why is the world very different from all the others?


Ariana L.

What does water’s nothing taste like?
What color is a mirror?
What does the darkest black look like?
Who discovered sharks?
How do people make candles?


Daisy E.

When could I see my family in Mexico?
What will happen if I don’t ever see my friends again?
Who will I meet in the future?
How do I take  care of myself when I grow up?
Where do my friends go?
When could I see my family in Mexico?
Who will I meet in Mexico if I go?


My questions
Nialaney G.

Who likes Saturday?

It’s like a day with sleep  and relaxation
You have a wonderful day
It is a breeze

Who likes Saturday?
You get to stay up
play games
Eat snacks


When will covid go away?
Mitzielys T.

When will we go back to school?
When can we be free of using face masks?
Fact: 1.4 billion plastic face masks ended up in oceans in 2020 hurting many sea creatures in the ocean!

When will covid go away?
Even animals are being affected by this
oh please tell me: when will it go away?


5th grade – Room 206

when will the rain end?
Elicia N.

When will the rain end?

Where could the rain go instead of here?
Maybe at my grandma’s house
Or maybe go to my dad’s house

Why did the rain make loud thunder sounds?

Who has made the rain happen?
How does this rain happen?
When will the rain end?


My unknowns….?
Silana N.

Who am I really?
What is this feeling?
Why am I in the dark cold?
How do I make it better?
Why didn’t they get it ?
Why can’t my sister shut up?!?!
When is my mom going to stop working so much? (She’s working two jobs now)
Why have I been acting odd lately?
Why am I filled with sadness and anger?


Bianca D.

Who wants to go to the park?
What do you mean?
When are we going to go?
Where are we going, again?
How are we going to get there if you don’t even drive?
Why are we going to the park?


School History
Megan T.

Who does not care about the Earth?

People throwing garbage with no emotion.
The humans who think it is not a big deal.

Who does not care about the Earth??

People who keep buying plastic bags.
The humans who chop down trees.

We need to change the Earth or else it will
change us.


Why is soccer so hard to play?
Joshua B.

Who’s ready to play soccer?
How? you don’t have a ball.
Should we ask Michael?
I think so.

Why do you want my soccer ball?
So we can play soccer.
Too bad!
Why can’t we just borrow one, dude?
You lost all my soccer balls!


How did this world get like this?
Jocyana C.

There are millions of questions I have
But this one is important
How did this world get like this?
Was it the people who really did this?
Or was it our greed inside of us?

This world is bad
I will tell you that
Why can’t it be better?
Why do people steal or kill
Why can’t our world be peaceful?

I know the answer
It is our greed inside of us
The power we think we have
We are not wise at all
But I know to be mature
I know to be good


If only
Leah F.

If only there was a way we could see each other on the 25th of December.
If only I could see that rainbow once again. If only I could fly into the air on the soft silk clouds.

If only I could fly into the air on the soft silk clouds that are soft as a cat.








“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.