4th Grade Wish Poems!

4th Graders at Shoesmith were energized and ready to get down to poetry when I joined them in Ms. Lehner’s remote-learning classroom. They told me that poetry was about rhyme and feelings, free verse, and rapping.  They said it required imagination, drama, and love. They let me know that they were already familiar with haiku and acrostic poems; and one student proclaimed that poetry was “a popular form of literature.” After introductions, we discussed wishes: those that may actually come true, as well as wishes that are fun and comforting and express our hopes for ourselves and others. Enjoy a sampling of students’ Wish Poems.

Ms. Lehner
4th Grade-Room 207

I Wish
Amir B.

I wish that I was the best basketball player in the world
I wish that I had wings
I wish that covid didn’t happen
I wish that I had the best wifi
I wish that I could type
I wish that I could go on a real trip
I wish the weekends were longer
I wish that we could go back to real school
I wish that I didn’t have any work
I wish that I was the best football player


I Wish
Taniya A.

I wish I could dance.
I wish I could sing
I wish I could be one of the most famous singers.
I wish I can be rich
I wish I can donate to the homeless.
I wish I can help children in hospitals.
I wish I can be the best doctor that I can be.
I wish I can design homeless people’s clothes
I wish I can be a toy maker.
I wish I can be a bike rider.


I Wish
by Zinanta N.

I wish that covid could be over
I wish I could be in 10 movies
I wish I could meet Not Enough Nelson
I wish I could meet the Panton Squad
I wish I could meet the Beam Squad
I wish I could go to Hawaii
I wish I could meet Da Baby
I wish I could meet The Ohana Adventure
I wish I could meet Addison Rae
I wish I could meet Drake


4th Grade – Room 208

I Wish
Grace A.

I wish I could have a pet unicorn
I wish I had a lot of toys
I wish to give the homeless everything they need
I wish to have my mom have the best mother’s day every year
I wish to have a puppy
I wish that my cat was not mean
I wish to meet my favorite youtuber
I wish I can go to Paris
I wish to meet minnie mouse
I wish on my birthday I can have a unicorn party with a unicorn coming


I Wish
Prentice C.

I wish I had a dog
I wish I was invisible
I wish I lived in San Francisco
I wish I had all the shoes in the world for boys that are lebrons
I wish my brother was in the same grade as me
I wish my brother was the same age as me
I wish my brother wasn’t allergic to peanuts
I wish I lived in a mansion with a pool
I wish I was ten years old already
I wish I had a car


I Wish
Misa S.

I wish I could get a trampoline
I love jumping
I wish I could get a bigger room
I wish I could have a bigger room so I could do gymnastics in it
I wish I could live on the beach
it seems peaceful
I wish I could swim all day like I did with my cousins in Florida
I wish I could sleep all day
I get tired sometimes
I wish I could be famous
it looks like they have fun
I wish I could give money to the homeless all day
I dont think anyone should be homeless
I wish I could live my best life with no school
it gets in the way of fun sometimes
I wish I could get a horse so I could ride all over the country










“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.